What is assistive technology?

In short, assistive technology is a device or a program that helps someone function in their daily life. More specifically, people with disabilities use assistive technology to overcome social, technological, or physical barriers in a range of settings. For example, someone might use:

  • a motorized wheelchair to get around in public,
  • screen reader software to hear on-screen content read out loud at the office
  • an automatic page turner while studying at school.

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The term "assistive technology" can have a different focus depending on the context in which it's being discussed.

For a general introduction, we would like you to watch the video from the PACER Center, "Understanding Assistive Technology: Simply Said". The PACER Center, as a social service nonprofit organization, focuses more on how assistive technologies fit into families' lives.

We would also like you to read the definition of "assistive technology" from the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission. The MRC, as part of the Massachusetts state government, focuses more on assistive technology as it relates to government programs. For example, some kinds of assistive technology are necessary in schools under federal law, or qualify for individual payment from statewide programs.