Prototyping Round 1

The team is ready to build the first prototype, which is often referred to as feasibility prototype. This prototype should demonstrate the desired concept, but not necessarily with all the features or materials.

Often when the feasibility prototype is being done the team doesn't fully know what they are trying to build or what it will look like. In this example, the team already has CAD drawings, but this is not always the case. In other words, prototyping early before everything is perfect is a good idea! Build early and build often.

In this case, the team is given 3 materials to work with, cardboard, duct tape, and scissors. With this rudimentary set of prototyping tools, the team works to build a model of the arm support system. They mold a card board for a cuff, strengthening and keeping it in place with duct tape. Then a post is added to hold up the arm support.